Surf sports news

Surf sports news

Boat crews have been busy training throughout the winter and are ready for some action as the season kicks off. The “vets” boat crew are especially excited as they prepare for worlds in Adelaide in November. Optional board training sessions are also...
Beach running at Longy

Beach running at Longy

Become fitter, flightier and faster across the sand with beach running. Currently on Saturday’s at 2pm (will likely change to 1.30pm when Nippers start). Matt Mooney is your coach, Margaret the assistant. Matt has run for Australia in 400m and 800m track....
Nippers starts on Saturday 27 October

Nippers starts on Saturday 27 October

Woohoo! Nippers season is starting on Saturday 27 October @ 2:45 for a 3pm start! Registrations are now closed. We wish we could take everyone, but we had to cap numbers in certain Age Groups, as we are at capacity. We need to keep the Nippers safe both in and out of...
2018/2019 Patrol Roster

2018/2019 Patrol Roster

Patrollers!! You wouldn’t believe it but the season has come around already. Below are the links to the Patrols (members & contact details) and Patrol Roster (dates), so please have a look at them and note down your rostered dates. Patrols: click here / Patrol...
Express Bronze Medallion and SRC courses

Express Bronze Medallion and SRC courses

Would you like to complete your Bronze Medallion or SRC course fast and have your club pay for part of it? SLS Sydney Northern Beaches is running express Bronze and SRC courses during the school holidays. Dates and times are: SRC course: Tuesday 2nd October to Friday...
Help “Annie and the Waves” go to print

Help “Annie and the Waves” go to print

We have received an e-mail from Louise Lambeth, a fellow surf lifesaver, who has written a children’s book to help keep our little ones safe on the beach and in the ocean. Here’s what she had to say: “Dear Longreef SLSC, I am an Ocean Beach surf...
A few miles down the Myall

A few miles down the Myall

Words: Zak Harrington Pictures: Chris Dagger In the long reef boaties’ latest endeavor, two crews headed up north to the cosy little town of Buladelah. After launching from the boat ramp in the centre of town, the two crews shot ahead of the pack and maintained...
Pub2Pub marshalling job earns club $1500

Pub2Pub marshalling job earns club $1500

On Sunday 26 August, amidst the cold & overcast morning, we had a great turn out of Longy members to help marshal our section of the 2018 Pub2Pub charity race. Thank you to all who popped down and helped out: Peter Kinsey Dave Sams Bruce Gaal Will Hardcastle Stu...
Interested in further surf lifesaving education?

Interested in further surf lifesaving education?

If you’re looking to do any of the courses with Northern Beach SLS this season please visit the calendar and let me know the Award you’re interested in doing. All courses need to be booked by the Chief Training Officer (CTO). Don’t hesitate to get in...
2018 Annual General Meeting: Sunday 5 Aug @ 11am

2018 Annual General Meeting: Sunday 5 Aug @ 11am

Notice is hereby given that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Long Reef SLSC will be held at the clubhouse on Sunday 5 August 2018 @ 11:00 am. It would be excellent to see a good turn out of Longy members including nippers and cadets parents. A BBQ and refreshments...