With the shed now completed, here are some reflections on the build by Chris Diggins, the mastermind behind Longy’s temporary clubhouse.
The shed is 15m x 20m and is no different to what you would find built on a farm. We paid a third party for the shed’s basic construction and that took about 6 weeks. 4 weeks of internal fit-out and we were ready to move in on 12 December. All fit-out tasks were performed cheerfully by club volunteers. We did utilise some expert tradies from within the club, but for the most part it was just rank amateurs with basic tools.
When we take possession of the new Longy clubhouse in mid 2022, the shed must be removed immediately and the site returned to open grass. The build was a ton of fun at all times and a great team opportunity for members. The shed is still open to modification, we can adjust it to our needs over the next 18 months.
It will be sad when we have to pull it down, but that will coincide with us moving into the new clubhouse, so we will have plenty to be excited about.
A big thank you to our club members who pulled together to help build The Shed.
Big thanks to: Paul, Stuart, Myles, Rob, Tony, Craig, Chris, Emily, Gavin, Nina, Justin, Patrick, Luke, Nic, Matt, Phil, Luke, Adam, Kelan, Andrew, Bruce, Amy, Michael, Peter, Malcolm, the Sharlies and the many other helpers who gave us a hand.
We welcome ideas to make The Shed our home for the next two seasons
If you have any great ideas for The Shed, then please let your voice be heard and send them to facilities@longreef.com.
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