Notice is hereby given that an Ordinary General Meeting of Long Reef SLSC Inc will be held at Long Reef SLSC Clubhouse on Sunday 18th February 2018 commencing at 12:30pm.
It is noted that in accordance with SLSA Regulation 6.4 and the Long Reef SLSC Constitution membership voting rights are limited to the following membership categories: Active, Active Reserve, Country, Distinguished Service, Long Service and Life Members.
The LRSLSC Constitution states that any Notice of any Motion intended to be moved at any General Meeting shall be given in writing by the mover thereof to the Secretary at least seven (7) days prior to the date of such meeting. Members who wish to put forward a Motion for consideration at the meeting should send their motion through to the Club’s Secretary Mitch Francis at by Saturday 10th February 2018.
An update of the status and progress of the Renewal of Long Reef SLSC & Associated Community Facilities will be provided at the meeting. OGM AGENDA 1. Apologies, 2. President’s Welcome, 3. Reading and confirmation of 2017 General Meeting Minutes, 4. Business arising out of 2017 General Meeting Minutes, 5. Motions for which Due Notice has been given, 6. General Business.
A complementary BBQ and refreshments will follow the OGM. For any questions, please contact the Club’s Secretary Mitch Francis at
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