1. Apologies
  2. President’s Welcome 
  3. Distinguished Guests welcome  
  4. Reading and confirmation of minutes AGM 2019 
  5. Business arising out of Minutes
  6. Presentation of 70th Annual Report & Financial Statements 
  7. Motions for which Due Notice has been given
  8. Election of Officers 
  9. General Business


7. Motions for which Due Notice has been given


7.1 Affiliation with SLSSNB, SLSNSW & SLSA

“That affiliation be sought by Long Reef SLSC Incorporated for the 2020/21 season with Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches. Further, that the articles, constitution, by-laws, regulations and resolutions, together with the awards and equipment of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited and/or affiliated state/territory centres and/or branches, be accepted without reservation”

Moved: Matt Sweeting Seconded Peter Kinsey.

7.2 Purchase 2 new Thundercat Gen III IRB

IRB’s are surf life savings primary rescue tool.  The current Long Reef IRB fleet comprises one boat that is 2 seasons old, 1 boat that is 5 seasons old with the remaining fleet all having been in service for over 15 years.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the older boats in a safe and serviceable condition.   The committee propose a motion to buy 2 new Generation III Thunder Cat IRB’s at a cost of $30,000.

Moved: Rob Pearson  Seconded: Matt Sweeting

7.3 Funding for Temporary Club House

LRSLSC accept a $80,000 (ex GST) contribution from Northern Beaches Council (Council) for LRSLSC to deliver and be fully responsible for the construction, internal fit-out, operation, removal & disposal and site reinstatement of Temporary LRSLSC Clubhouse facilities including dedicated SLS amenities and an internal first aid room which will be shared with Council Lifeguards.  It is noted that Council will be responsible for the provision of electrical power, water and wastewater services to the LRSLSC Temporary Clubhouse facilities and will be responsible for signage and external maintenance of the Temporary SLS Clubhouse facilities. LRSLSC will be responsible for any costs over and above the contribution from Council

Moved: Chis Diggins  Seconded: Rob Pearson.

7.4 Provision of Temporary Club House

LRSLSC purchase the main shed that will form the LRSLSC Temporary Clubhouse facilities for up to $50,000 (ex GST) at this cost is to include site preparation, supply of materials erection of ShedSafe Australia certified building approved by Council as a Part 5 (Development without Consent) construction. 

Moved: Chris Diggins, Seconded: Rob Pearson.

7.5 Distinguished Membership Nominations recommendations : 

The LRSLSC Distinguished Services Committee recommended that Scott Plunkett and Keiren Brown be made  Distinguished Service Members: 

Scott Plunkett (Posthumously)

Scott joined Long Reef in 1990 and was awarded Best Patrol Member in the 1990/1991 season. In the  1990’s Scott was Vice Captain for 3 seasons, Chief Instructor for 3 seasons, IRB Captain for 1 season as well as being branch delegate . During this time he was awarded Best IRB Team Member and most importantly Best Club Member. 

During the 1990’s the club had an IRB racing team and Scott was a stalwart of the team winning 23 State medals of varying colours as well as a Branch championship and a large number of Branch medals as well as a Branch best Driver award . IRB racing is usually conducted during winter and was often cold and miserably but Scott’s enthusiasm was catching for the rest of the IRB team.

Scott became a Long Serving Member.  He joined Shell Harbour SLSC, however he kept in touch with Long Reef SLSC and came down for the odd catch up patrol.

Indeed Scott did a patrol at Longy only shortly before his untimely death on the 11th May this year.

Kieren Brown

Kieren joined Long Reef SLSC in 1984 gaining his Surf Lifesaving Certificate, Bronze Medallion, IRB Crew Certificate, ARC and IRB drivers award and he has successfully trained several bronze squads.

Kieren was a member of the Management Committee for 12 seasons holding positions ranging from Gear Steward, Social Organiser and Vice Captain. Kieren also produced the Reef Recorder for several seasons as well as 2 Annual reports.

Kieren competed for Long Reef for a number of seasons in surfboats, swim, patrol competition and IRB’s. He won medals in all bar the swim. He was a regular at Sunday morning surf races and won the Open Men’s Champion of Champions’ in season 1996/1997.

Kieren was a member for 35 years at Long Reef and was awarded Best Club Member 2 times.  Due to family and work commitments his involvement with the club was pulled back but he is still involved in surf lifesaving now being involved with Coogee nippers near where he now lives.


That Scott Plunkett ( posthumously ) be made a Distinguished Service Member of Long Reef SLSC 

 That Kieren Brown be made a Distinguished Service Member of Long Reef SLSC

Moved: Peter Kinsey Seconded: Nina Kovach

7.6 Outstanding Service Nominations: 

The LRSLSC Outstanding Services Committee recommended that Tim Bagot, Leanne Stanton and Alan Freedman be made Outstanding Service Membership:  

Tim Bagot (Posthumously)

Tim was a Long Reef member from 1958 to 1966 and was awarded his bronze medallion in season 1958/59 and his instructors certificate in 1959/1960.

He was on the Management Committee as Assistant Secretary for 3 seasons, Vice Captain for 3 seasons Chief Instructor for 1 season and during his period on the committee very rarely missed a meeting. In addition Tim was on a number of sub committee’s during those years.

He was the club belt champion in 1958/1959 as well as playing Rugby union for the club in the Whiddon Cup B grade team and was Captain of the Long Reef B grade team that won the Whiddon Cup in 1962/1963 and they also made the Semi Finals in the A Grade competition in the following season. Tim was also an excellent fund raiser for the club. 

Leanne Stanton

Leanne was one of the first if not the first female member of Long Reef SLSC  joining in season 1978/1979. Up until that season Long Reef Surf lifesaving was a 100% male dominated environment. Ladies were not involved in lifesaving per se, but worked around the club, were on the ladies auxiliary and were involved in social functions.

Leanne immediately threw herself into the lifesaving aspects of the club showing excellent leadership serving on the Committee.  She  was the first female to gain a Bronze medallion in Long Reef SLSC in the season 1981/1982.  In that same season she also achieved an instructors certificate.

Leanne remained a  valued member until well into the mid 1980’s.  Being the first female in Long Reef SLSC to gain her bronze medallion Leane opened up Long Reef SLSC to future generations of female members who now form an active and integral part of our club and Surf lifesaving .

Alan Freedman

Alan was a member of Long Reef SLSC from 1957/1958 until 1973/1974 being an Active Junior, Active Senior and Active Reserve (1966/67). He was on the Management Committee as Assistant Secretary, Race Secretary, Publicity Officer and Branch Delegate as well as being on a number of sub committee’s.

Alan was a huge fund raiser for the club for 10 years . He was the club open beach sprint champion in 1961/1962 and again in 1966/1967 and in that same season won the Musical Flags .

Alan was the Captain of the  Long Reef team that toured New Zealand in 1968/1969 which led to a life long association between our club and the Orewa SLSC which is just north of Auckland.


That Tim Bagot ( posthumously ) be made an Outstanding Service Member of Long Reef SLSC


 That Leanne Stanton be made an Outstanding Service Member of Long Reef SLSC


That Alan Freedman be made an Outstanding Service Member of Long Reef SLSC

Moved: Peter Kinsey Seconded: Nina Kovach

8. Election of Officers  

All management committee stand down. Nominations for all positions are presented/called and appointed as follows. –  Management Committee Job Descriptions

Management Committee 

  1. President 
  2. Deputy President
  3. Secretary 
  4. Treasurer 
  5. Club Captain
  6. Chief Training Officer
  7. Competition Captain
  8. Cadet Coordinator
  9. Nipper Coordinator 
  10. Nipper Coordinator, Beach Operations
  11. Vice President Building
  12. Director of Marketing and Member Engagement 
  13. Director of Facilities and Equipment
  14. Vice President Community Partnerships
  15. Executive Director 1 –
  16. Executive Director 2 – Chris Locke (2nd Year) 


Officers of the Club 

  1. After Hours Emergency Contact 
  2. Boat Captain 
  3. Board and Ski Captain 
  4. First Aid Officer 
  5. Functions coordinator
  6. Gear Steward 
  7. IRB Captain 
  8. IT officer
  9. Member Protection Information Officers 
  10. Officials Coordinator 
  11. Race Secretary 
  12. Registrar – Junior/Senior
  13. Shore Master 
  14. Uniform and merchandise
  15. Vice Captains

The nomination form for any position can be found here.
2020 Long Reef SLSC Nomination Form. 

 9.  General Business


Meeting Close

AGM Links:

2 August 2020, 2pm
Long Reef SLSC Courtyard
To book you place:

Membership Renewal: 
1. Membership Payment Online:
2. Renew your Membership:

Management Committee Job Descriptions
2020 Long Reef SLSC Nomination Form