Your 2020-21 Committee and Officers, Congratulations to our new Distinguished & Outstanding Members – and other news.
Fellow Longy Members,
It is with a great honour to have again been elected as your President at the Annual General Meeting on the 2nd August 2020. A full list of your committee members for 2020/2021 is at the end of this email.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to your outgoing committee for the work they have done over the past season and I look forward to working with the incoming committee to ensure that our club remains the best club on the Northern beaches.
Firstly, I congratulate the following members or ex-members on their elevation to Distinguished Service Membership or Outstanding Service Membership:
Distinguished Service Member
Scott Plunkett (Posthumously)
Kieren Brown
Outstanding Service Member
Tim Bagot (Posthumously)
Liane Stanton
Alan Freedman
Secondly, early last year at the first Northern Beaches Council meeting where our DA was discussed, I told the Councillors that there were only two things certain in our proposed re development – one being that our present clubhouse was well past its use by date, and the second being that I was getting very close to my use-by date. I am pleased to be able to inform you that although we may not be sure what the future holds because of COVID 19, that my use-by date will occur after our new clubhouse is constructed — as we have had our last weekly meeting with Northern Beaches Council staff and our new clubhouse is now agreed and ready for the next stage.
Following that agreement the tender for the new clubhouse is currently being finalised by Council architects which will be reviewed by us prior to the tender being sent to the Councils preferred contractors in early September.
Unfortunately, that means that the demolition of our current clubhouse and construction of the new clubhouse will not begin until February 2021. In part this delay has been caused by us wanting to ensure that the interior of the clubhouse is fit for our purpose. Again I wish to thank our building committee and in particular Rob Pearson, Chris Diggins and Chris Locke and you our members for getting where we are today and that is the dawn of a new era for Long Reef SLSC.
I would also like to thank all Council staff involved in the process and in particular Ray Brownlee ( CEO) and Jorde Frangoples, Campbell Pfeiffer and Eliza Halsey.
We must also not forget Brad Hazard our local State member and Jason Falinski our local federal member who together were able to obtain $4.9 million in funds and also our Northern Beaches Councillors and in particular Sue Heins, Vincent De Luca and Rory Amon.
I am also pleased to be able to inform you that only last week we were advised that we had received a further $350,000 in funding from the 2019/2020 Surf Club Facility program.
Thirdly, although our new clubhouse will not be commenced until early next year our new Temporary Facility will be ready to go by the end of October this year and this will be what is in effect a large farm shed about the size of a tennis court. This will be our temporary home for two seasons and we plan to ensure that all our usual activities carry on as usual through these two upcoming seasons.
I look forward to catching up with you during the season and most of all please keep well and do not hesitate to contact me or any of your new committee members.
President Pete
Management Committee
President – Peter Kinsey
Deputy President – Nina Kovach
Secretary – Matt Sweeting
Treasurer – Mal McCormick
Club Captain – Courtney Halford
Chief Training Officer – Chris Pienaar
Competition Captain – Charlotte Barlow / Kenzie Davies
Cadet Coordinator – Vacant
Nipper Coordinator – Inoke Tuhakava
Nipper Coordinator, Beach Operations – Dion Couch
Vice President Building – Rob Pearson
Director of Marketing and Member Engagement – Patrick Dagasson
Director of Facilities and Equipment – Chris Diggins
Vice President Community Partnerships – Tony O’Brien
Executive Director – Lindy Hardcastle
Executive Director – Chris Locke (2nd Year)
Boat Captain – Matt Russell-Jones
Board and Ski Captain – vacant
First Aid Officer – Nina Kovach
Functions coordinator – vacant
Gear Steward – Chris Diggins
IRB Captain – vacant
IT officer – John Whyte
Member Protection Information Officers – Stuart Thompson
Officials Coordinator – vacant
Race Secretary – vacant
Registrar – Junior/Senior – Margaret Pearson
Shore Master – vacant
Uniform and Merchandise – vacant
Vice Captain – Jessica Ledger
COVID 19 Officer – Nina Kovach
There are still unfilled Officer positions. If you would like to volunteer for any of the above positions – please email:

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