IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boat) training kicked off on Sunday 14 October with 2 new crewmen and 3 new drivers.

Some of the older IRB’s in the Long Reef fleet are currently under repair, so it was time to christen the brand new Thundercat IRB.

So our new candidates had the unexpected pleasure of being the first members to test the yet to be named boat along with Nick and Hamish who are undertaking their IRB Training Officer qualifications.

All in all it was a very successful day and a big thumbs up for the new IRB.

There are limited opportunities for a few more keen and enthusiastic members to join the current IRB course, which is being run Sunday mornings from 7.30 to 9.30am (plus additional sessions). Further courses and training will be run later in the season.

IRB’s are not for everyone, but they are a very important rescue tool, so if you have your Bronze Medallion, are fit, keen and enthusiastic, and would like to improve your SLS skills, please contact Justin ( or Rob ( to register your interest.

See you all on the beach!

Rob Pearson, VP Building,

(main photo: from left to right, Luke, Hadzi, Patrick, Greg, McKenzie, Hamish and Stuart in front of the new IRB)