Notice is hereby given that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Long Reef SLSC will be held at the clubhouse on Sunday 5 August 2018 @ 11:00 am. It would be excellent to see a good turn out of Longy members including nippers and cadets parents. A BBQ and refreshments will follow the meeting.

The AGM is when the current management committee (MC) steps down and nominations for all positions are presented and voted on. The nomination form will be e-mailed to you in coming weeks. Please note that you must pay your membership fees for 2018/19 and be a financial member of Long Reef SLSC to be nominated, nominate or second a nomination.

It would be great if some new faces, especially ladies, put their hands up to jump in and assist in the running of our club for the benefit of all members and the wider local community – many hands make light work! We have an interesting year ahead, which will see real progress on the renewal of the clubhouse and associated community facilities. So why not be part of the team that brings this project to life.

Please feel free to contact any of the current MC members if you are interested in assisting in some way or have any questions. Simply send an e-mail to the and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate MC member. We would also love to hear from potential community partners or sponsors who would like to work with the club for mutual benefit.

We look forward to electing a diverse, multi-talented and energetic MC for the 2018/2019 season. Your help in chosing the right members is highly appreciated.

King regards, your Long Reef SLSC Management Committee

Important: MC members, as well as any active members who patrol, assist in nippers, cadets or any other role which puts them in contact with children, must, according to NSW legislation, provide a Working with Children Check Certificate (WWCC) to the club. If you plan to play an active role in the club and don’t already have a WWCC, please get one now to be ready for the 2018/2019 season. To apply for your WWCC, click here, it’s easy and free. Once you have it, please e-mail it to Thanks.